dr. ir. M.H. (Maaike) Oosterveer
Principal Investigator

m.h.oosterveer umcg.nl
My core interest lies in the (patho)physiology of cellular nutrient sensing. Insight into the function of nutrient sensors is critical to develop new therapies for diseases that are initiated by deregulated metabolism. The use of mouse models and cell systems allows for in-depth analysis of systemic physiology, cellular biochemistry, intracellular signal transduction, transcriptional regulation and epigenetic mechanisms.
- The first line of research focuses on the hepatic consequences of glycogen storage disease. Glucose is the preferred carbon and energy source. It functions as a metabolic substrate as well as a signaling molecule that controls many aspects of cellular physiology. The aim is to establish the role of glucose sensing systems in different aspects of this inherited disease.
- The second line of research concerns programming of disease in early life. The aim is to elucidate whether nutrient sensors contribute to the legacy effect of perturbed metabolism during pregnancy and/or the first phase of postnatal life.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 02:35 |