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dr. M. (Marieke) Dubbelboer

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050 36 38900 (Student Support Desk)
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'II faut vivre': Writers, Journalists and Income, 1890-1914

Writers and the press in France 1600–2000: politics, pamphlets and propaganda

Jan Verkade (1868-1946). Een Hollandse schilder in de Franse avant-garde

'The Author is Dead? Long Live the Author?' Alfred Jarry, Media and Authorship around 1900

'Ubusing' Culture: Alfred Jarry's Subversive Poetics in the Almanachs du Père Ubu

L’écriture visuelle dans les Almanachs du Père Ubu: Jarry et Bonnard

Ubu Reporter: News and Newspapers in Alfred Jarry's 'Almanachs du Père Ubu'

Alfred Jarry: An Imagination in Revolt

Rewriting the News. Journalism and Literature in Fin-de-siècle France. The case of Alfred Jarry (1873-1907)

A mechanical universe: The machine with Alfred Jarry.