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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. ir. M. (Michele) Cucuzzella


A Unifying Passivity-Based Framework for Pressure and Volume Flow Rate Control in District Heating Networks

Distributed Control of Islanded DC Microgrids: A Passivity-Based Game Theoretical Approach

An integrated human-cyber-physical framework for control of microgrids

Decentralized Temperature and Storage Volume Control in Multiproducer District Heating

Increasing the region of attraction in DC microgrids

Krasovskii and Shifted Passivity Approaches to Mixed Input/Output Consensus

Krasovskii and shifted passivity based output consensus

Modeling and Passivity Properties of Multi-Producer District Heating Systems

Novel Control Approaches Based on Projection Dynamics

Online parameters estimation schemes to enhance control performance in DC microgrids

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