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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons M. (Milad) Abbasiharofteh, PhD


Driving Forces Behind Relational Knowledge Sourcing in Clusters: Single- and Multilevel Approaches

Leveraging the digital layer: the strength of weak and strong ties in bridging geographic and cognitive distances

Mapping the Geography of the Twin Transition: A Machine Learning Approach

The role of geographic distance and technological complexity in U.S. interregional co-patenting over almost two centuries

Atypical combinations of technologies in regional co-inventor networks

The digital layer: alternative data for regional and innovation studies

Boundary spanning R&D collaboration: Key enabling technologies and missions as alleviators of proximity effects?

From patents to trademarks: towards a concordance map

Sectoral patterns of collaborative tie formation: investigating geographic, cognitive, and technological dimensions

The importance of proximity dimensions in agricultural knowledge and innovation systems: The case of banana disease management in Rwanda


Milad Abbasiharofteh: ‘JTS Prize boosted my research’