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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons M.A. (Malcolm) Campbell-Verduyn, PhD

Research interests

My research combines a general focus on ideas and materiality with a specific interest in the roles of non-state actors, technologies and technical artefacts in contemporary global governance.


Blockchains and Global Society


Global Governance of Blockchains

Ineffective Policies: Causes and Consequences of Bad Policy Choices

The Cambridge Global Handbook of Financial Infrastructure

A Stack Made in Heaven?: Exploring AI-Blockchain Intersections and their Implications for Labour and Value

Conjuring a cooler world?: Imaginaries of Improvement in Blockchain Climate Finance Experiments

Digital RMB vs. Dollar Hegemony?: Friendly Foes in China-US Currency Competition

Football Finds Alt-Finance: Can GPE Locate Leisure?

Global Digital Data Governance: Polycentric Perspectives


Can openness stop digital platforms from exploiting users?

Gazing into the Crypto Ball: Why are Football Clubs Adopting Cryptocurrencies?

Approach with Caution: Blockchain Experimentation in the Indo-Pacific

Expert om FATF:s nya kryptoförslag: Verkar vilja att myndigheter ska blanda sig i mer

On Cryptocurrencies & Blockchain Technology

Here is everything you need to know about the “travel rule” for cryptocurrencies

Is the Travel Rule Good or Bad for Crypto? Both

Pengenes privatisering

U.K. in Race to Rewrite Cryptocurrency Tax Rules