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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons M.A. Bustamante Ordonez

Research interests

PhD project: The role of eco-evolutionary interactions on the spread of antimicrobial resistance in pathogenic microbial communities

I come from Ecuador. I studied Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology during my MSc. I did my thesis on the role of HGT in the evolution of microbial metabolism. My research interest since then has been in microbial evolution. Now I am a PhD student in the Adaptive Life research program at GELIFES and I study the role of eco-evolutionary interactions on the spread of antimicrobial resistance by means of HGT in pathogenic microbial communities.


An eco-evolutionary perspective on antimicrobial resistance in the context of One Health

Community context influences the conjugation efficiency of Escherichia coli

Eco-evolutionary interactions and the spread of antimicrobial resistance in pathogenic microbial communities