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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. L. (Lidewijde) de Jong

Research interests

I am an archaeologist of the Near East in the Roman period. My research focuses on the dynamics of ancient empires and identity formation, and extends to the era of the Hellenistic-Seleucid kings, preceding Roman control, and the period after Rome was replaced by Byzantine and Early Islamic rulers. I take a bottom-up approach to ancient imperialism by investigating the cultural expressions of local communities. Funerary customs in particular, provide key insights to the formation and renegotiation of local identities in the face of imperial and globalizing forces. I am also interested in archaeological theory, digital approaches, and initiatives aimed at safeguarding cultural heritage of the Middle East.
Key words: Archaeology of the Hellenistic and Roman Near East, Mortuary Studies, Ancient Empires, Globalization and Identity, Diversity and Sustainability, Archaeological Heritage in Conflict zones, and Digitalization/Digital Databases


On Ends and New Beginnings: monumentality and changing funerary landscapes in Palmyra (3rd - 8th c. AD)

Dealing with the Dead in Roman Seleukeia Sidera: reconstructing funerary culture from ex situ material

The Necropoleis and Burial Customs of Seleukeia Sidera

De Doden Dichtbij: grafrituelen in het Romeinse Nabije Oosten

Funerary traditions

Hellenistic landscapes and Seleucid control in Mesopotamia: the view from the Erbil Plain in North Iraq

MARE - Mortuary Archaeology of the Roman East

Pronkjewails in verre oorden: Gronings onderzoek naar de dood in het oostelijk Middellandse Zeegebied

Wiens graf? Discrepanties tussen beeld, tekst, object, ruimte en menselijke resten in een Palmyreense tombe

Monuments, landscape, and memory: The emergence of tower-tombs in Tadmor-Palmyra


Interview for online magazine of the Dutch Research Council (NWO)

Drie Groningse onderzoekers krijgen Vici beurs van 1,5 miljoen euro

Drie Groningse onderzoekers ontvangen topbeurs van anderhalf miljoen

Virtual tour of Palmyra

Universiteitskrant Groningen, “Stopping ISIS” (7-11-2015)

Volkskrant, “Dappere schatbewaarder van Palmyra” (20-8-2015)

Radio interview BNR nieuwsradio – Paul van Liempt (1-6-2015)