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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. L. (Laurens) van Kouwenhove


Effects of heel apex position, apex angle and rocker radius on plantar pressure in the heel region

A computer implemented method for selecting a shape of a rocker outsole

On the design of rocker profile shoes: from 3D gait analysis to 3D printing

Effect of different forefoot rocker radii on lower-limb joint biomechanics in healthy individuals

Effects of Longitudinal Bending Stiffness of forefoot rocker profile shoes on ankle kinematics and kinetics

Effects of rocker radii with two longitudinal bending stiffnesses on plantar pressure distribution in the forefoot

The effect of changing foot progression angle using real-time visual feedback on rearfoot eversion during running

The effect of changing mediolateral center of pressure on rearfoot eversion during treadmill running

Biomechanical effects of rocker shoes on plantar aponeurosis strain in patients with plantar fasciitis and healthy controls

Gaze direction affects walking speed when using a self-paced treadmill with a virtual reality environment


Op naar de grens van de 100 meter sprint