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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons L. (Lucia) Bellora-Bienengräber, Dr


Performance Measurement as a Lever of Control

Combining experiments with agent-based modelling: Benefits for experimental management accounting research

Effektive Risikoworkshops … Aber wie? Simulationsexperimente zur Gestaltung effektiver Risikoworkshops

Taking Stock of Research on the Levers of Control with Meta-Analytic Methods: Stylized Facts and Boundary Conditions

The effectiveness of risk assessments in risk workshops: the role of calculative cultures

Counterproductive Work Behaviors and Work Climate: The Role of an Ethically Focused Management Control System and Peers’ Self-Focused Behavior

Implementing Risk Governance: A Levers of Control Approach

Talking about the likelihood of risks: an agent-based simulation of discussion processes in risk workshops

Configurations of Control in Product Development

Innovative Kommunikationstechnologien für Investor Relations-Aktivitäten - Eine umfassende Bestandsaufnahme