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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons L. (Lucy) Avraamidou, Prof

Research interests

 STEM teaching/learning; science identity; out-of-school science; diversity; inclusion; equity



Can we disrupt the momentum of the AI colonization of science education?

Completing the progression establishing an international baseline of primary, middle and secondary students’ views of scientific inquiry

Designing a module for supporting secondary biology students’ morality through socioscientific issues in the human-nature context

Designing technology-enhanced science experiments in elementary teacher preparation: The role of learning communities

Examining S-T-E-M Teachers’ Design of Integrated STEM Lesson Plans

High school biology students’ use of values in their moral argumentation and decision-making

Queer individuals’ experiences in STEM learning and working environments

Would a career in science suit me? Students’ self-views in relation to science and STEM career aspirations

Young children’s understanding of AI

Design of a location-based augmented reality game for the development of key 21st century competences in primary education



It takes a village

Summer vacation is a luxury for the few in academia

Housing crisis, language crisis, staff burnout: blame internationals

Big Tech will NOT save us

Learning to embrace rejection and to fail even better

Lowering the bar: an oversimplied plan for a complex issue

Sleepwalking in times of climate injustice

How do I tell you about rest without telling about academic workaholism?