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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. K.O.W. (Katrien) Helmerhorst

Research interests

Katrien Helmerhorst works as an assistant professor at the unit of Child and Family Welfare. Her research has a focus on three main topics: 1) parenting behavior of (professional) caregivers, 2) early childcare centers, and 3) effectiveness of parenting interventions. A common thread in her research is observing a wide range of parenting behaviors (e.g., sensitivity, challenging parenting behavior, mind-mindedness, language and developmental stimulation, parent-child attachment relationship).

In 2014, she completed her PhD at the department of Child Development and Education, University of Amsterdam (UvA). During her PhD, she developed and evaluated an intervention program (video-feedback training) for professional caregivers in center based child care. During her first postdoc at the UvA, she obtained a subsidy granted by the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment to develop and test effectiveness of an intervention program for caregiver training in vocational education. In 2017, Helmerhorst started a second postdoc at the Department of Sociology (Family sociology) Erasmus University Rotterdam within an interdisciplinary research team in which the family is investigated within its wider context, such as the influence of socio-economic status (diversity, intergenerational transmission of inequality, policy (parental leave), and gender ideologies of men and women in modern society. She was the lead investigator of the 3HOEK study (VIDI & ERC Starting Grant by Prof. dr. Renske Keizer), which follows 104 families (fathers, mothers, and 3-year-olds) from Rotterdam. In this project, she studies parenting behavior of both fathers and mothers, parent-child interactions, family functioning, and child development in families from both relatively high as well as relatively low socioeconomic backgrounds.


A randomized trial of the Caregiver Interaction Profile (CIP) training with childcare providers: The Copenhagen Daycare Project study protocol

Changes in coercive parenting and child externalizing behavior across COVID-19 and the moderating role of parent-child attachment relationship quality

Introduction to Special Issue: Contributions of father-child relationship to children's development within the larger family system: A focus on observational measures

Quality of caregiver–child interactions in early child care centers in Bangladesh: Measurement and training

Maternal and Paternal Parenting and Child Prosocial Behavior: A Meta-Analysis Using a Structural Equation Modeling Design

Parental sensitivity and intrusiveness in gay-, lesbian-, and heterosexual-parent families with infants conceived using artificial reproductive techniques: Do parents’ gender and caregiver role matter?

Promoting interactive skills and mind-mindedness among early childcare professionals: Study protocol for a randomized wait-list controlled trial comparing the Circle of Security approach with care as usual in center-based childcare (the SECURE project)

Sharing in child caring: Does equal parenting involvement moderate the relationship between fathers’ and mothers’ sensitivity and toddlers’ receptive language ability?

Interrelated changes in parental stress, parenting, and coparenting across the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic

Understanding Differential Effectiveness of Behavioral Parent Training from a Family Systems Perspective: Families Are Greater than “Some of Their Parts”


Hoe kies je een kinderdagverblijf?

Hoe kies je een kinderdagverblijf?

Oma als oppas, papa- en mamadagen of gewoon 5 dagen naar de opvang: wat is beter?

Is kinderopvang slecht voor kind?

Videocollege Katrien Helmerhorst: wat is de meest optimale ontwikkeling van je kind?

Opvoedvraag: Wat staat de kersverse vader te wachten tijdens de eerste weken met kind?

Een jaar thuis bij de kinderen: leve de liefdevolle verwaarlozing!