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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. K.M. (Kiki) Santing


The Muslim Brotherhood and women’s issues under Sadat: dogmas and discussions

Al-Hashd al-Sha‘bi and the reconstruction of Mosul

Building Synergies: The Future of Middle Eastern Regional Research Centers

Conspiracy Theories and Muslim Brotherhood Antisemitism under Sadat

Muslim Brotherhood Antisemitism

Imagining the Perfect Society in Muslim Brotherhood Journals: An Analysis of al-Da'wa and Liwa' al-Islam

Islam and the struggle over political legitimacy in Egypt: The 1987 elections through the lenses of al-Liwa’al-Islami and Liwa’al-Islam

Two Egyptian Journals During the early Mubarak Years

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Dictators op het eerste Letterenfestival

Mubarak luistert dit weekend met 'schoon geweten' naar vonnis