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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. K.M.M. (Kiki) de Jonge


Competitive Organizational Climate and Artificial Intelligence Acceptance: The Moderating Role of Leaders’ Power Construal

Empowering women for creative solutions in interpersonal conflict at work

Having no Negotiation Power does not Matter as Long as you Can Think Creatively: The Moderating Role of Age

Stimulating creativity: matching person and context

Stimulated by Novelty? The role of Psychological Needs and Perceived Creativity

Workers' intrinsic work motivation when job demands are high: The role of need for autonomy and perceived opportunity for blended working

Age and Blended Working

Age and Blended Working

Always Connected at Work?: The Role of Information Novelty and Individual Needs

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Brainstorming: Keine gute Idee

The effectiveness of (self-)coaching

Persoonlijke effectiviteit en creativiteit

Zo zorg je ervoor dat een brainstorm wél werkt

Zo zorg je ervoor dat een brainstorm wél werkt

Corona: kansen en reflectie - interview Friesch Dagblad

Online werken versus op kantoor - interview NOAB

Tweede thuiswerkperiode nieuwe klap voor productiviteit en motivatie

Tips voor effectief en leuk thuiswerken - interview DvhN

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