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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons K.S. (Klaus) Hubacek, Prof


Assessments of the environmental performance of global companies need to account for company size

China’s ecological footprint via biomass import and consumption is increasing

Demand-side insights for steering human appropriation of net primary productivity within planetary boundaries

Environmental consequences of Japan's ban on sale of new fossil fuel-powered passenger vehicles from 2035

Extent of global decarbonization of the power sector through energy policies and governance capacity

Global employment and skill level requirements for ‘Post-Carbon Europe’

Health–environment efficiency of diets shows nonlinear trends over 1990–2011

Higher total energy costs strain the elderly, especially low-income, across 31 developed countries

Incorporating platinum circular economy into China's hydrogen pathways toward carbon neutrality

Mitigating trade-driven water scarcity via water-saving irrigation in China: Different role of surface water and groundwater

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China’s cities leading the way on carbon reduction - Study

Thirty-eight Chinese Cities are leading the way on Carbon reduction

Carbon inequality: A fight to alleviate poverty and slow climate change

Extreme armoede uitbannen beïnvloedt CO2-emissies nauwelijks

Lifting 3.6bn people out of poverty would raise global emissions by 18%

Eradicating Extreme Poverty Would Have Tiny Impact on Emissions, Study Finds

Zunahme von Wohlstand und Erreichen der Klimaziele schließen einander nicht aus

Studie: Verringerung der Armut bedeutet keine signifikante Steigerung der CO2-Emissionen

Rich nations emit 75pc more carbon dioxide than poor ones

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