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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons J. (Jasperina) Brouwer, PhD


How do personality traits affect the formation of friendship and preference-for-collaboration networks?

The role of student background characteristics and sense of belonging in the development of peer networks at the transition to higher education

Transitioning to residency: a qualitative study exploring residents' perspectives on strategies for adapting to residency

Antecedents of student team formation in higher education

How Clinician-Scientists Access and Mobilise Social Capital and Thus Contribute to the Professional Development of Their Colleagues in Their Networks

Turning Points in Professional Commitment Development: The Case of Novice Nurses

A social network perspective on peer relationship formation of medical undergraduates within large-scale learning communities

Challenges to acquire similar learning outcomes across four parallel thematic learning communities in a medical undergraduate curriculum

Collaborative spirit: Understanding distributed leadership practices in and around teacher teams

Influence of online collaborative learning on social network and academic performance of medical students: lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic


De weg naar behoud voor zorgprofessionals in de GGZ is teambetrokkenheid

European Researchers' Night: ‘Je krijgt er veel positieve energie van’

Wist je dat… studenten sneller bevriend raken als ze hetzelfde aantal studiepunten halen?

Sociaal vaardige student heeft meer kans op academisch succes

250.000 euro voor onderzoek naar behoud verpleegkundigen