dr. J.K. (Jan Kornelis) Dijkstra

Personal details
Title(s), first name, surname: Dr. Jan Kornelis Dijkstra
Male/female: Male
Date and place of birth: 27-09-1976 Metslawier
Nationality: Dutch
Birth country of parents: The Netherlands
Address for correspondence: Department of Sociology
University of Groningen
Grote Rozenstraat 31, 9712 TG Groningen
Telephone: 050 – 3636551
Fax: 050 – 3636226
E-mail: jan.dijkstra@rug.nl
University: University of Groningen
Date: 31-08-2002
Main subject: Sociology (cum laude)
Master thesis:
Een theoretisch, empirisch onderzoek naar de relatie tussen het publiek domein als sociale orde en geweldsincidenten binnen dit domein.
University: University of Groningen
Date: 29-10-2007
Supervisor (‘Promotor’): prof. dr. S. Lindenberg
Supervisor (‘Co-promotor’) dr. R. Veenstra
Title of thesis:
Status and Affection among (pre)adolescents and their Relation with Antisocial and Prosocial Behavior
Work experience
2013-present Associate Professor (2), University of Groningen, the Netherlands
2012-2013 Assistant Professor (1), University of Groningen, the Netherlands
2009-2012 Assistant Professor (2), University of Groningen, the Netherlands
2007-2009 Postdoctoral researcher, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
2002-2007 PhD student, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
2002-present Member of Research School ICS, Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology
Other work experience
2008-present Member of Examination Board Sociology
2009 Organizer of Peer Relations Researchers conference (PRO)
2009-2011 Member of Faculty Council Behavioral and Social Sciences
2003-2009 Member of Thesis Committee Sociology
2003-2005 Representative PhD students Sociology, University of Groningen
2011-present Journal of Research on Adolescence. Consulting editor and guest editor special issue on network- behavior dynamics (SIENA) (2013)
2011-present Consulting Editor Psykhe
2006-2010 Associate Editor Sociologie Magazine
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 12:33 |