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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. J.R. (Ruud) den Hartigh

prof. dr. J.R. (Ruud) den Hartigh

Adjunct Hoogleraar Talentontwikkeling, met speciale aandacht voor de sport- en prestatiecontext
Profielfoto van prof. dr. J.R. (Ruud) den Hartigh
Talent Development & Creativity (Master):
050 36 35446 (Secretariaat)


What do we currently know about the development of talent? A systematic review in the soccer context

Conceptualizing and measuring psychological resilience: What can we learn from physics?

How soccer scouts identify talented players

Resilience in sports: A multidisciplinary, dynamic, and personalized perspective

How the Complexity of Psychological Processes Reframes the Issue of Reproducibility in Psychological Science

A Uniform Approach for Advancing Athlete Assessment: A Tutorial on the Lens Model

Adaptation to stressors: Hormesis as a framework for human performance

Critical Fluctuations as an Early Warning Signal of Sports Injuries? Applying the Complex Dynamic Systems Toolbox to Football Monitoring Data

Critical Fluctuations as an Early Warning Signal of Sports Injuries? A Proof of Concept Using Football Monitoring Data: A Proof of Concept Using Football Monitoring Data

Dynamical Systems Principles Underlying Resistance, Resilience, and Growth

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Kan de wetenschap blessures aan zien komen?

Driekwart van commando's in spe haalt de opleiding niet, waarom is dat?

Using data to predict resilience in elite sports

The Commandos: Who has got what it takes?

Project update: Resilient Athletes

Driekwart van commando's in spe haalt de opleiding niet, waarom is dat?

Pakt FC Groningen met behulp van data eerder een prijs?

Using smart technology to tackle sports injuries and mental dips

Technologie tegen sportblessures

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