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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons J.M. (Jonas) Bornemann, Dr

Research interests

Jonas Bornemann works as Assistant Professor of European Law at the University of Groningen. Previously, he has been a postdoctoral and doctoral researcher at Université de Lausanne and the University of Konstanz, as well as a postdoctoral fellow of the nccr – on the move. His research focuses predominantly on developments in European constitutional and migration law.


Competing Visions and Constitutional Limits of Schengen Reform: Securitization, Gradual Supranationalization and the Undoing of Schengen as an Identity-Creating Project

Of autocratic incrementalism and inadvertant inspirations: the interaction between the European Court of Justice and national lawmakers in the rule of law crisis in Poland

Migration Policy: Between Crisis Preparedness, Ad Hoc Solutions and Administrative Capacity Building

The legal dimension of coordinative Europeanisation – crisis governance between political expedience and normative credence

Zur Legitimität und Legitimierung von Ungleichbehandlungen im Migrationsrecht


Kontrollen der Binnengrenzen?

Safety first? Hoe de focus op veiligheid de rechten van migranten ondermijnt

Wat blijft er over van Schengen, nu ook Frankrijk grenscontroles instelt?

Aggódik Donald Tusk: nem szeretné, ha Magyarország kilépne az EU-ból

Brussels vs. Hungary

Romania's and Bulgaria's Schengen accession (translation)