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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. J. (Jasper) Knoester


Application of the Time-Domain Multichromophoric Fluorescence Resonant Energy Transfer Method in the NISE Programme

Coarse-Grained Approach to Simulate Signatures of Excitation Energy Transfer in Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy of Large Molecular Systems

Inter-subunit energy transfer processes in a minimal plant photosystem II supercomplex

An efficient time-domain implementation of the multichromophoric Förster resonant energy transfer method

Watching Molecular Nanotubes Self-Assemble in Real Time

Optical signatures of the coupling between excitons and charge transfer states in linear molecular aggregates

Structural Disorder as the Origin of Optical Properties and Spectral Dynamics in Squaraine Nano-Aggregates

Ultrafast Excitation Energy Transfer Dynamics in the LHCII–CP29–CP24 Subdomain of Plant Photosystem II

An Exciton Dynamics Model of Bryopsis corticulans Light-Harvesting Complex II

Limitations of linear dichroism spectroscopy for elucidating structural issues of light-harvesting aggregates in chlorosomes


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