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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. J.K.G. (Götz) Wietasch


Transitioning to residency: a qualitative study exploring residents' perspectives on strategies for adapting to residency

Early Bird or Night Owl: Insights into Dutch Students' Study Patterns using the Medical Faculty's E-learning Registrations

Impact of fatigue in surgeons on performance and patient outcome: systematic review

Medical Care as Flea Market Bargaining?: An International Interdisciplinary Study of Varieties of Shared Decision Making in Physician-Patient Interactions

Patterns of Medical Residents' Preferences for Organizational Socialization Strategies to Facilitate Their Transitions: A Q-study

Prioritising nurses' and doctors' health at work: a scoping review of monitoring instruments

Assessing the Well-Being at Work of Nurses and Doctors in Hospitals: Protocol for a Scoping Review of Monitoring Instruments

Basismonitoring und Gefäßzugänge

Digital Online Patient Informed Consent for Anesthesia before Elective Surgery-Recent Practice in Europe



Nederland-Duitsland: 1-1?

Interview “Laat jonge artsen zich lekker ontplooien”

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