dr. J.J.H. (Jacqueline) Klooster

Work Experience
2017-current Senior Lecturer in Classics (UD1, 0.8 fte, tenured) at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
2021-2022 Individual Fellow at Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies, Amsterdam.
2015-2019 Postdoctoral researcher (1.0 fte until 31/08/2017; 0.2 fte until 01/02/2019) at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
2012- 2015 Marie Curie/Pegasus Long Incoming Fellowship (FWO) at University of Ghent, Belgium. Project: A portrait of the Statesman as an Artist.
2009-2012 Postdoctoral researcher (funded by NWO) at University of Amsterdam.
01/01-2011-01/06/2011 Lecturer Classics at University of Amsterdam.
2007-2008 Lecturer Literary Theory at University of Utrecht.
2003-2008 PhD Student at UvA (funded by Amsterdam School for Culture and History UvA).
2001- 2003 Teacher (Greek, Latin and KCV) at Barlaeus Gymnasium Amsterdam.
Education and Diplomas
February 2023 Young Arts Leadership Program
This selective 6-month program for young/mid-career staff in management positions focuses on developing academic leadership skills and influencing styles. It is completed with a pitch for reforms in the Faculty for the Faculty Board.
November 2023 SKO (Senior Qualification Education) Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
This selective 10-month course for mid/career senior academic staff focuses on the skills necessary to plan, develop and implement educational reform projects. Assessment on the basis of a project portfolio.
2018 Basiskwalificatie Onderwijs (BKO, Basis Qualification Education) Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
23 April 2009 PhD in Classics, University of Amsterdam: Poetry as Window and Mirror. Positioning the Poet in Hellenistic Poetry (supervisors: I.J.F. de Jong and A.M. van Erp Taalman Kip).
April 2001 MA Classics ( Cum Laude ), University of Amsterdam.
September 2001 MA Education, Institute for Teachers Education, University of Amsterdam.
This one-year MA (obligatory for teachers in secondary schools) comprises of didactic skills such as lesson and curriculum development and test design.
Special Recognition And International Grants
2022 Grant for the writing of popular scientific book in Dutch by LIRA fund (highly selective, 1 of four yearly grants): 37.500 euro.
2022 Starting Grant ICOG for the writing of NWO Open Competition M proposal (3000 Euro), submitted September 2022 (rejected).
2020-2021 NIAS Individual Fellowship (10 months; 1600 euro per month, highly selective)
2019 Shortlisted Lecturer of the Year Faculty of Arts (nominated by the students)
2018 Zenobia Essay Prize (best essay combining ancient Eastern and Western cultures, 500 euro)
2017 KNAW Congres Fonds: 9000 euro for the organisation of special issue of Hellenistic Workshop for the retirement of professor M.A. Harder
2015 Universiteitsfonds Gent: 8000 euro for organisation of international conference Homer and the Good Ruler
2012 Marie Curie Pegasus Long Fellowship (FWO/ERC) (project: A Portrait of the Ruler as an artist; 3 years; approx. 150K euro)
2012 Vrij Nederland-Academische Boekengids Essayprijs (best book review essay, 2500 euro and publication in Vrij Nederland and Academische Boekengids magazines)
2009 Co-PI (PI-Irene de Jong) Space in Acient Greek Narrative (post-doc position for three years) NWO open competition, approx. 150K euro)
2009 OIKOS Promotion Bonus for finishing within allotted time (500 euro; PhD project within allotted time, comprising maternity leave)
2007 Fondation Hardt Fellowship for young scholars (3-week accommodation and travel expenses)
2002 Amsterdam School for Culture and History funded PhD Scholarship (competitive position,granted on the basis of PhD proposal, 5 years 0.75, approx. 125K)
Teaching and Supervision
Completed: Tine Scheijnen (PhD 2016) University of Ghent, Quintus of Smyrna’s Post-Homerica: A Study of Heroic Characterization and Heroism. (supervisor: prof. dr. K. Demoen, co-supervisors: Prof. dr. K. De Temmerman; prof. dr. S. Bär)
Jos Janssen MA, RUG: The Political Philosophy of Seneca’s Tragedies (main supervisor Prof. dr. R.R. Nauta, co-supervisor, Dr. L.A. Joosse)
Marije Derksen MA, Radboud University, Chatterboxes, Seductresses and Emotional Wrecks. Anchoring Innovation in Female Characterization in Hellenistic Poetry (main supervisor Prof. dr. A.M.P.H. Lardinois, co-supervisor dr. F. Overduin)
Massimiliano Carbonari MA, RUG, decided to stop and switch careers after a year due to Covid-related issues (2021). His work is being published as a co-authored article with prof. S. Voutsaki and myself.
Teaching coordination
Coordinator of the new University Minor program The Mirror of Myth (started November 2022), which I helped design and develop.
Coordinator of the implementation of active learning and blended learning strategies. I monitor and advise on teaching practices in the department, as well as organising workshops and discussion sessions for colleagues in which we design new teaching and testing practices and discuss and establish best practices, which are aim at promoting the self-learning abilities and independence of the students and further their active participation in the learning process.
2019 nominated by the Classics students 'Lecturer of the Year’ and shortlisted by the Network of Arts selection committee. The student nomination praised my ‘inspiring style of supervision, enthusiasm, personal engagement, and ability to show the value of Classics in our current society.’
Teaching Portfolio
Greek Epic (5 ECTS)
Greek Drama (5 ECTS)
Poetry Analysis Greek Lyric (5 ECTS)
Historiography and Documentary Texts (5 ECTS)
History of Greek Literature I (5 ECTS)
History of Greek Literature II (5 ECTS)
Integration and Excursion Module Greece (5 ECTS)
Research Seminar Greek BA (Epigram 2021; Theocritus 2018) (5 ECTS)
Theme Course Greek and Latin: Fate and Fortune and the Rise of Rome (2017) (10 ECTS)
Theme Course Greek and Latin: Fate and Fortune in Classical Literature (2018) (10 ECTS)
Theme Course Greek: Tragic Fates (Tragedy) (2019) (5 ECTS)
Theme Course Greek: Tragic Women (Tragedy) (2020) (5 ECTS)
Commentary Course: Panegyrics (Dio Chrysostom / Pliny) (2018) (10 ECTS)
Commentary Course: Didactic Poetry (Ps.Oppian Kynegetika / Lucretius) (2019, 2020) (10ECTS)
Greek Language Acquisition, Levels 1-3 (5ECTS)
Greek for Beginners (for non-Classicists, in English) (5 ECTS)
Greek intermediate module (for non-Greek exam students) (5 ECTS)
Greek for Beginners and Research (2020) (10 ECTS)
Historiography and Documentary Texts (Livy, Tacitus 5 ECTS)
Theme Course: Aetiology (Hesiod, Callimachus, Ovid 2017) (10 ECTS)
Ancient Mythology (Elective Minor) (5 ECTS)
The Mirror of Myth: Stories ; Functions ; Theories (3 separate modules in University Minor program, 15 ECTS)
Academic Skills for Classicists (5 ECTS)
Rhetoric and Science Communication (BA, minor Rhetoric, 5 ECTS)
Approaches: Classics, Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2015, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022) (10 ECTS)
A course for history students, students of historical literature and classics; showcasing different in the humanities (e.g., memory studies, sociology of art and literature; the cognitive turn, the spatial turn; includes writing an essay and presenting ‘an object/building in context’ during an excursion to Rome, or Maastricht)
I supervise a substantial number of BA, MA, Re-MA theses and tutorials on Greek and Latin and Reception topics each year. In 2020, Selina Bick, whose thesis on the reception of Euripides’ Medea in the context of the Greek Debt Crisis (Recycling Medea)’ I supervised, was shortlisted for the CRASIS BA-thesis prize. In 2022 Marilin Jonkman, whose thesis on Theocritus Idyll 18 I supervised won second prize in the CRASIS BA-thesis prizes.in 2023 Folkert de Bruin whose thesis on Polyxena I supervised won first prize in the CRASIS BA-thesis prizes for Classics.
PhD Committees (opponent):
2012: Radboud University (Mieke de Vos)
2012: University of Amsterdam (Jo Heirman)
2017: Ghent University (Tine Scheinen)
2018: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Lorenzo Focanti)
2020: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Eelco Glas)
FWO (Flanders Scientific Organisation) expert panelist for Culture and Arts (period 2022-2026), Belgium
Austrian National School for Research (summer 2020)
Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies (2022)
Peer reviewer Journals and Series:
Phoenix, Mnemosyne, Mnemosyne Supplementa, Hellenistica Groningana, Handelingen van de Koninklijke Zuid Nederlandse Maatschappij der Letteren, Transactions of the American Philological Association, American Journal of Philology, Classical Quarterly, Greek Roman and Byzantine Studies, Journal of Hellenic Studies, Antichthon.
Roles within OIKOS (Research school for Ancient Studies)
Board member Research council OIKOS
Coordinator Research Group Literature: Theory and Contexts (with Christoph Pieper and Floris Overduin)
Member of the Jury for the OIKOS Public Award (2022, 2023)
Memberships of Academic Societies
Waterloo Institute for Hellenistic studies (Canada): associate researcher
Board Member: NIAS Alumni Association
OIKOS senior member
DICES member of advisory board
Director of the Editorial Board of Mnemosyne Journal (2023-current)
Director of the Editorial Board of Mnemosyne Supplementa monograph series (2023-current)
Director of the Editorial Board of Hellenistica Groningana series (2018-current)
Coordinator Active Learning Implementation GLTC (2022-2024)
Coordinator University Minor Program The Mirror of Myth (since 2022)
Secretary Program Committee Research Master CMEMS, (Classical, Medieval and Early Modern Studies, RUG) (tasks a.o. preparing the 2020 audit of this ReMA track, since 2015)
Secretary Admission Board MA programs Classics and Ancient Civilizations since 2020
Board member Committee Writer in Residence RUG (since 2020)
Member Work Group “Ancient Studies BA-track revision”, RUG (2021)
Member Selection Committee Lecturer Ancient History (2021)
2025 (Museum het Valkhof) Anchoring Conference on Re-Uses of Antiquity (international, with Prof. Dr. Maarten de Pourcq and Dr. Bettina Reitz-Joosse)
2023 (Royal Dutch Institute in Rome): Bestselling Muses: feminist rewritings of ancient myth (international; primary organizer)
2023 (RUG): Hellenistic Poetry Beyond Alexandria (international; primary organizer)
2022 (University of Amsterdam): Emotions at Troy (international colloquium in honor of Prof. Dr. Irene de Jong, with Mathieu de Bakker and Baukje van den Berg)
2021 (RUG): Crisis and Resilience in Hellenistic Poetry (international; primary organizer)
2019 (RUG): Women and Power in Hellenistic Poetry (international; primary organizer
2017 (RUG): Callimachus Revisited: New Perspectives (international; primary organizer)
2016 (RUG): After the Crisis: Remembrance, Re-Anchoring and Recovery in the Ancient World (international; with Inger Kuin)
2016 (UL): Inventing Origins: The Function of Aetiology (international; with Antje Wessels)
2015 (RUG): Re-Anchoring after the Crisis. Perspectives on War, Memory and Innovation (national; with Inger Kuin)
2015 (UGent): Homer as Princes’ Mirror through the Ages (international; with Baukje van den Berg)
2011 (UvA): Space in Literature. Questioning Space in Fiction (international; with Jo Heirman)
I have obtained budgets up to 10.000 euros for individual conferences from diverse funding bodies (KNAW, Groninger Universitair Fonds, Gents Universitair Fonds, FWO Conference fonds, ASCH UvA, ICOG RUG, OIKOS, Anchoring Innovation, CRASIS) for the funding of several of these conferences. The average number of participants was between 40 and 60 persons.
I have presented papers at over 30 international conferences and seminars abroad as (invited/keynote) speaker in Europe, the US and Canada (including Montreal, Waterloo (ON), Yale, Reading, Exeter, London: Royal Holloway and UCL, Oxford, Lisbon, Rostock, Giessen, Tübingen, Bonn, Ghent, Leuven, Groningen, Amsterdam, Leiden, Nijmegen, Neuchâtel, Geneva, Zurich, Rome, Naples).
2012-2015: Marie Curie/Pegasus Long-Fellow, University of Ghent, Belgium
2007: Scholarship scholars >35 Fondation Hardt, Geneva Switzerland
2023 Invited lecture: “Ekphrasis and Mindreading in Greek Epigram” seminar series ‘Ancient Aesthetics’, University of Tübingen
2022 Keynote Lecture “De Sirene Ontwaakt: herschrijvingen van antieke mythen vanuit een feministisch perspectief”, Zomerschool Universiteit van Amsterdam
2021 UCL Keynote lecture conference ‘Leadership Values and Literary Genre’: Qualis Oratio, Talis Princeps: The styles of the Caesars in Suetonius’
2019 Invited Lecture: Dido in the Novels of Elena Ferrante (Newcastle Classics Seminar, invited speaker)
2019 ‘Modern Novels and Mythical Women’ Utrecht, SIB Mythology Symposium
2018 ‘Why Read Thucydides?’ Launch Rondom Pericles educational webpage, De Balie Amsterdam
2017 “Elementair Uurtje”: talk and interview for the presentation of my book ‘Klassieke Literatuur’, Spui 25 Amsterdam
2017 “Waarom de Klassieken nog lezen?” Talk and panel discussion with prof. dr. Irene de Jong, prof. dr. Onno van Nijf, prof. Dr. Maarten Depourcq, Athenaeum Boekhandel Roetersstraat Amsterdam
2016 What is a Crisis? The Rhetoric of Crisis and Order (Crasis Seminar RUG, with dr. Inger Kuin)
2015 Ecphrasis and Eroticism in Moschus’ Europa (Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland)
2013 Reception of the Classics in the works of Harry Mulisch (De Balie, Amsterdam)
2014 Het Poëtische is Politiek: Plutarchus over Solon, Poëzie en Staatsmanschap (Annual Meeting of the Royal South Netherlands Academy of Letters [KZM], key note speaker)
2013 Theocritus and the Pastoral Tradition (Conference Sicily and the Mediterranean, Amsterdam University, Stichting Zenobia)
2012 Ecquis Melius imperat quam litteratus? Schrijvende staatslieden in de oudheid (inaugural address for the opening of the academic year of the Classics Department at Amsterdam University.
I am a regular speaker at University of Amsterdam’s academic venue Spui 25 and frequently speak at secondary schools or for NKV activities and besides at public events like Groningen Noorderzon Festival and International Film Festival Assen
2024 Writing Monarchs of the Hellenistic Age Bonn:
2023 The Palimspestic Popular Muse: Poetics of Mythical Retellings from a Female Perspective, Rome, KNIR (Bestselling Muses Conference)
2022 Invited speaker: ‘Loving to Hate Callimachus’ (colloquium Callimaque à Rome, Geneva, organisers Damien Nelis, Joe Farrell)
2021 The Studia of the Emperors in Suetonius
2019 ‘Mais je ne suis pas Didon: Dido in the Neapolitan Novels of Elena Ferrante, “Virgil and the Feminine, Symposium Cumanum, Virgil Society, Bacoli, Cuma, abstract selected
2018 'Anchoring coincidences in the brain: a cognitive approach to the problem of Euripidean coincidence plots’, UL, abstract selected
2017 'Speech in Apollonius of Rhodes and Theocritus’, University of Amsterdam, Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative Workshop
2016 “Writing a Crisis: The Meta-History of Narrating Political Events” (Royal Holloway University, London, with dr. Inger Kuin, abstract selected)
2015 "On dealing with tyrants: Plutarch’s anchoring of his moral instructorship in Solon of Athens” (Soeterbeeck, Anchoring Innovation Conference, RU Nijmegen)
2015 “Fame, Celebrity and The Writings of the Hellenistic Kings”, Fame, Celebrate and Infamy in the Hellenistic World, University of Waterloo, Canada (invited speaker)
2015 “A Speaker of Words and Doer of Deeds: the cultural reception of the educational ideal of Phoenix”. (Homer and the Good Ruler Conference, University of Ghent)
2014 “Suetonius on Augustus’ style”, University of Lisbon, September 24-26 (panel convenor: panel on Augustus and Literature) (panel selected)
2014 “Characterization in Apollonius of Rhodes,” University of Ghent, Characterization in Greek Narrative January 30-February 1 (invited speaker)
2014 “The Saying of the Seven Sages in context”, Crasis Annual Meeting Networks of Knowledge, Groningen (abstract selected)
2014 “Kings, Singers and the Muses in Homer and Hesiod,” University of Ghent, Workshop Religion and Poetry in the Ancient Mediterranean, invited speaker
2013 “New Philology and Ancient Editors: some dynamics of textual criticism” (Conference The Making of the Humanities III, Royal Dutch Institute, Rome, 1/3-11-2012) (abstract selected)
2013 “Talis Oratio Qualis Princeps. The speeches of the Caesars in the De Vita Caesar of Suetonius” (Conference From Antiphon to Autocue, Royal Holloway University, London, 25/26-4-2013) abstract selected
2013 “The (Ab)Use of Poetry in Plutarch’s Life of Solon” (Conference The Reception of Greek Lyric Poetry, 600BC - AD400, University of Reading, September 6-8 2013) (abstract selected)
2013 “How to win an(y) election? Quintus Tullius Cicero and modern political how-to books.” Conference Weapons of Mass Seduction: Rhetoric and Political Discourse in the United States, Gent-Middelburg, November 6-9 2013 (abstract selected)
2012 “The ideology of Aetiology: Apollonius of Rhodes”, Aitia Workshop, Universität Rostock (invited speaker)
2012 “Horace Ode 4.2: another look at the Vitulus”, Classical Association Conference, Exeter (abstract selected)
M.A. Harder and J.J.H. Klooster, eds., The Cambridge Companion to Hellenistic Poetry, Commissioned by Cambridge University Press. (Est. Spring 2024)
J.J.H. Klooster, Hellenistic and Imperial Epigram, Commissioned by Brill, for the series Brill Research Perspectives (under contract) (Submission winter 2025)
J.J.H. Klooster, The Leader and the Lyre. How the Greeks evaluated the literary activity of their political leaders. Under contract at Routledge.
J.J.H. Klooster, De Bestseller Muze. Mythologische hervertellingen vanuit een vrouwelijk perspectief (under contract at Athenaeum, Amsterdam, funded by LIRA-grant)
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