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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons J.G. (Jaap) Nieuwenhuis, PhD


Waarom jongeren niet hard willen werken

Another article titled “Should I Stay or Should I Go?” or, the mass production of academic research titles

Exposure to neighborhood violence and child-parent conflict among a longitudinal sample of Dutch adolescents

Het duurzaamheidsdilemma van buurtinitiatieven

The effect of meeting opportunities on local urban residents’ prejudice against migrant children in China

Adolescents' future in the balance of family, school, and the neighborhood: A multidimensional application of two theoretical perspectives

Neighborhood and community effects in East and Southeast Asia, a systematic review and meta-analytical exploration of publication bias

Exposure to Neighborhood Violence and Child-Parent Conflict among a Longitudinal Sample of Dutch Adolescents

Neighbourhood deprivation and the Big Five personality traits: associations with adolescent problem behaviour and educational attainment

Oh, the education (you think) you’ll have! Relative deprivation and students’ academic expectations, aspirations, and attainment


Wijkvernieuwing Vlietzone in Leeuwarden

Kwetsbare wijken hebben niets aan kunstmatige sociale menging

Bewoners van de kwetsbaarste wijken hebben niets aan kunstmatige sociale menging