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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons J.G. (José Grabiel) Luis Cordova


Energy and food poverty in Latin America, towards a rights perspective

Past, present, and future of the Cuban energy sector between challenges and perspectives

Contratos de compraventa de energía: aproximación al ordenamiento jurídico en Cuba

Ética de la Socioeconomía: Observaciones críticas sobre el capitalismo desde la óptica de un abogado

Regulación Jurídica de la Energía en Cuba: Valoración Crítica para su Perfeccionamiento

Theoretical and Legal Perspectives on Energy-Smart Agri-Food Systems: Sustainability and the Right to Food

Unpacking the Food Law, Policy and Diplomacy Conference Dialogue: A Synoptic Retrospective

Decentralised energy generation for sustainable energy development in EU

Energy consumer in the Cuban legal system: Towards comprehensive protection

Energy Transition in Latin-American Countries, Example Cuba: Looking for Interconnections with Food Sovereignty