dr. J.A. (Liane) Voerman

I studied Business Economics at the University of Groningen from 1990 till 1995. In the course of my study, I became especially interested in marketing and marketing research. I started working at the Department of Marketing at the Faculty of Economics and Business as a PhD student, back in 1996. My PhD focused on the international strategic behavior of smaller firms, under supervision of Professor Dr. Michel Wedel and Professor Dr. Peter Zwart. After that, I became a lecturer and, some years later, the program coordinator of the MSc Marketing. Today, I am an experienced lecturer, holding both the UTQ and STQ, and combine this with being the program director of the BSc Bedrijfskunde (Business Administration). I still try to teach, as I do love teaching. Right now, I teach the bachelor course International Marketing, and the master course Retail & Omnichannel Marketing. Besides, I supervise master thesis students on the topic of e-WOM and online consumer reviews. As the program director of the BSc Bedrijfskunde, I try to make sure the quality of the BSc Bedrijfskunde and the courses remains high, and that the content is relevant for the business field. My goal as a teacher is to teach students both the theoretical background of marketing issues and how to apply them in practical situations. In this, a proper academic attitude and academic skills are necessary. More importantly, I try to communicate the relevance and fun of marketing and marketing research to my students.
Other functions:
Member Supervisory Board (Raad van Toezicht) VluchtelingenWerk (Dutch Council for Refugees) Noord-Nederland, Research DirectorMaster of General Management at the Academy of Management (higher executive teaching), module teacher Academy of Management.
- 1990-1995: study Business Economics, major Marketing & Marketing Research, University of Groningen
- 1996-1998: PhD-student, Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Groningen (“The Export Performance of European SMEs”, defended 5th January 2004)
- 1998-2005: Assistant Professor International Marketing & Marketing Research
- 2005-current: Senior Lecturer Marketing
- 2005-2017: capacity planner Department of Marketing
- 2011–2017: program coordinator MSc Marketing
- 2011-2017: coordinator Double Degrees with BI in Oslo, Norway and SBE University of Münster in Germany
- 2017-current: program director Bsc Business Administration.
University of Groningen:
- current courses: Retail & Omni-channel Marketing (MSc Ma course), International Marketing (IB 1st year) & Master theses supervision
- previous course (a.o.): Services Marketing (Msc Marketing course), Marketing Research Methods (Msc Marketing course), Marketing BDK (BSc BA 1st year), Marketing for E&BE (BSc E&BE 1st year), Qualitative Research Methods (BSc BA 2nd year)
Other teaching:
- AOG School of Management, (higher) executive teaching (marketing, methodology, supervision MSc thesis)
- Customer Insight Center (CIC), In-company training NUON executive teaching (2016) (Advanced marketing research techniques)
- Teacher of the Year, Faculty of Economics & Business (3 times first place, 1 time second place)
- Best Paper ICSB conference 1998, Singapore
- Winner SOM Research School competition on interdisciplinary research
- 2011 University Teaching Qualification (UTQ / BKO)
- 2016 Senior Teaching Qualification (STQ / SKO)
- Supervisory Board Dutch Council for Refugees Northern part of the Netherlands (VluchtelingenWerk Noord-Nederland).
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 13:12 |