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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. J.A. (Hans) Langendijk


Linear approximation of variable relative biological effectiveness models for proton therapy

Neurocognitive function in lower grade glioma patients selected for proton radiotherapy: real-world data from a prospective cohort study

Normal tissue complication probability model predicting taste impairment in head and neck cancer patients: Evaluating the taste bud bearing tongue mucosa as a predictor

Proton radiotherapy significantly reduces pneumonia in oesophageal cancer patients

Relating proton LETd to biological response of parotid and submandibular glands using PSMA-PET in clinical patients

Return to Work Up to 5 Years After the End of Treatment Among Patients With Head and Neck Cancer

Rising incidence of radiation pneumonitis after adjuvant durvalumab in NSCLC patients treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy

Risk reduction of radiation-induced aspiration by sparing specific aspiration-related-organs at risk; an in silico feasibility study

Supportive care needs among head and neck cancer patients in the recovery phase from 6 months to 2 years after treatment: which factors matter?

The prognostic value of pathologic lymph node imaging using deep learning-based outcome prediction in oropharyngeal cancer patients


Protonentherapie UMCG dit jaar toegepast bij 480 patiënten, verwachting niet gehaald

Online Platform Improves Proton Therapy Delivery

IBA launches the world's first online proton therapy platform

IBA lance Campus : la première plateforme en ligne de protonthérapie au monde

IBA launches the world’s first online proton therapy platform

Protonentherapie is soms zinvoller dan gewone bestraling

Highlights of 2019

Protonenbestraling voor longkankerpatiënten

Na succesvolle proef in Groningen: Longkankerpatienten krijgen voortaan protonenbestraling vergoed