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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. J.A. (Jourik) Gietema


Identification of genes associated with testicular germ cell tumor susceptibility through a transcriptome-wide association study

Cemiplimab in locally advanced or metastatic cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma: prospective real-world data from the DRUG Access Protocol

Change in telomere length and cardiovascular risk factors in testicular cancer survivors

Impact of teratoma on survival probabilities of patients with metastatic non-seminomatous germ cell cancer: Results from the IGCCCG Update Consortium

Management of patients with rare adult solid cancers: objectives and evaluation of European reference networks (ERN) EURACAN

Penile cancer: ESMO–EURACAN Clinical Practice Guideline for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up

Platinum retention in plasma, urine, and normal colonic mucosa in cisplatin-treated testicular cancer survivors

Vascular fingerprint tool to identify patients with testicular cancer treated with cisplatin-based chemotherapy at high risk of early cardiovascular events

Abstract 5611: LAG-3 PET imaging in patients with cancer before immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy

Cardiovascular Disease in Testicular Cancer Survivors: Identification of Risk Factors and Impact on Quality of Life


Ruim 6,6 miljoen subsidie van het KWF voor UMCG-onderzoekers

Bei Hodenkrebspatienten frühzeitig kardiovaskuläre Risikofaktoren beachten

Lange termijn gevolgen van oncologische behandelingen

Eerder aandacht voor late effecten

Samenwerken 'om iedere kankerpatiënt de nieuwste behandeling te geven'

Bijna één miljoen kankerpatiënten en het ontbreekt aan goede nazorg