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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. J.A.C. (Joëlle) Swart


Bypassing digital literacy: Marginalized citizens’ tactics for participation and inclusion in digital societies

Making sense of politics: how affective dispositions and everyday experiences connect young people with the political

The paradox of play: How Dutch children develop digital literacy via offline engagement with digital media

Tactics of news literacy: How young people access, evaluate, and engage with news on social media

Theorising TikTok cultures: Neuro-images in the era of short videos

What feels like news? Young people’s perceptions of news on Instagram

Accessing, evaluating and engaging with news.: The value of a user-centric approach for rethinking media literacy.

Advancing a Radical Audience Turn in Journalism: Fundamental Dilemmas for Journalism Studies

Advancing the Audience Turn in Journalism

Do novel routines stick after the pandemic?: The formation of news habits during COVID-19

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