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Azithromycin as host-directed therapy for pulmonary tuberculosis - a randomized pilot trial

Stabilized Extracellular Vesicle Formulations for Inhalable Dry Powder Development

Clinical Validation of a Capillary Blood Home-Based Self-Sampling Technique for Monitoring of Infliximab, Vedolizumab, and C-Reactive Protein Concentrations in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Combinations of arginine and pullulan reveal the selective effect of stabilization mechanisms on different lyophilized proteins

Critical review on the role of excipient properties in pharmaceutical powder-to-tablet continuous manufacturing

Inhibition of influenza virus infection in mice by pulmonary administration of a spray dried antiviral

Therapeutic effect of an inhaled levodopa dry powder formulation on off episodes in patients with Parkinson's disease

A Single Injection with Sustained-Release Microspheres and a Prime-Boost Injection of Bovine Serum Albumin Elicit the Same IgG Antibody Response in Mice


Capsules with Ileocolonic-Targeted Release of Vitamin B2, B3, and C (ColoVit) Intended for Optimization of Gut Health: Development and Validation of the Production Process


Een vaccinatie inademen: in China kan het, hier straks ook?

Pandemiepreventie staat na een jaar corona nog steeds in de kinderschoenen

BREEKT | 'Farmaceuten verdienen meer waardering en een plek in het OMT'

"De kennis van nu" interview on national television 09-11-2017

Dropwater en Cannabisolie

Kippenboeren willen niet enten

Vaccineren tegen vogelgriep

Carduso herkent de potentie van Twincer