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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. H.J.R. (Rogier) Hoenders


Mindful Yoga Versus Relaxation for Young Adults With Symptoms of Depression: A Randomized Controlled Comparison of Two Brief Laboratory-Based Interventions

A review of the WHO strategy on traditional, complementary, and integrative medicine from the perspective of academic consortia for integrative medicine and health

Cost-effectiveness of a mindful yoga intervention added to treatment as usual for young women with major depressive disorder versus treatment as usual only: Cost-effectiveness of yoga for young women with depression

Gezonder leven; een gebed zonder end?

Setting a dutch integrative medicine research agenda: Results of a consensus-based strategy

Translation and Validation of the Dutch Version of the Spiritual Care Competence Questionnaire (SCCQ-NL)

Brief mindful yoga intervention fails to prevent depression-related outcomes after a dysphoric affect induction

Maternal choline supplementation during pregnancy to promote mental health in offspring

The ethics of yoga in (mental) healthcare: Beyond the traditional Eightfold path

Transitions in depression: if, how, and when depressive symptoms return during and after discontinuing antidepressants


Een lange reistijd naar kantoor? Vijf tips om toch gezond te blijven

RUG begint leerstoel ‘zingeving, leefstijl en geestelijke gezondheid’

Focus op zingeving en leefstijl in de psychiatrie: Oratie Rogier Hoenders

Werkt sint-janskruid bij een depressie?

Nieuwe leerstoel “Zingeving, leefstijl en geestelijke gezondheid”