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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. H. (Henk) Hofstede


Leven, leren en dromen na 2 jaar Campus Eemsdelta: Jongeren, leefbaarheid en toekomstperspectief

Making sense of rural identities in future horizons of Dutch and German students living in rural areas

Update - factsheet – zomer 2024: Onderzoek “Jongeren in Eemsdelta: Campus, Leefbaarheid, Toekomst”

Beyond the (im)mobility and social-environmental dichotomy: Young adults' motives to reside in rural northwest Europe

Journeys of staying rural: Young adults in rural Northern Ireland, the Netherlands and Germany

The journey of staying: A transitional and mobility perspective on the staying rural preferences of rural young adults

The appreciation of rural areas and their contribution to young adults’ staying expectations

De diversiteit van blijvers in Oost-Groningen

Balancing between thick and thin regional identities: The case of De Achterhoek, The Netherlands


Zo behoud je jongvolwassenen voor het platteland

Expert Interview in Documentary RTV Drenthe

Interview: Waarom kiezen mensen voor de Achterhoek