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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons H. Havinga


The impact of a humanized bile acid composition on atherosclerosis development in hypercholesterolaemic Cyp2c70 knockout mice

Changes in bile acid composition are correlated with reduced intestinal cholesterol uptake in intestine-specific WASH-deficient mice

Hepatic ChREBP orchestrates intrahepatic carbohydrate metabolism to limit hepatic glucose 6-phosphate and glycogen accumulation in a mouse model for acute Glycogen Storage Disease type Ib (6675 words)

Bile Acid Sequestration via Colesevelam Reduces Bile Acid Hydrophobicity and Improves Liver Pathology in Cyp2c70-/- Mice with a Human-like Bile Acid Composition

Characterization of a novel bile salt export pump deficiency mouse model with the p.E297g mutation

Hyperglycaemia, pregnancy outcomes and maternal metabolic disease risk during pregnancy and lactation in a lean gestational diabetes mouse model

Intestinal Farnesoid X Receptor Modulates Duodenal Surface Area but Does Not Control Glucose Absorption in Mice

Pharmacological inhibition of MEK1/2 signaling disrupts bile acid metabolism through loss of Shp and enhanced Cyp7a1 expression

The chemotherapeutic drug doxorubicin does not exacerbate p16Ink4a-positive senescent cell accumulation and cardiometabolic disease development in young adult female LDLR-deficient mice

Whey-based diet containing medium chain triglycerides modulates the gut microbiota and protects the intestinal mucosa from chemotherapy while maintaining therapy efficacy