dr. ir. H.A. (Bert) Scheeren
Researcher and lab coordinator

h.a.scheeren rug.nl
I'm or was involved in the following projects:
InGos (Integrated non-CO2 Greenhouse gas Observing System)
link: http://www.ingos-infrastructure.eu/
ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observation System)
link: http://www.onderzoeksfaciliteiten.nl/
ASICA (Airborne Stable Isotopes of Carbon from the Amazon)
link: http://www.asica.eu
SIRS (Metrology for Stable Isotope Reference Standards)
link: https://www.vtt.fi/sites/SIRS/the-project
Waterstof Werkt:
link: https://www.newenergycoalition.org/waterstof-werkt/
The Ruisdael Observatory:
Laatst gewijzigd: | 12 juli 2024 11:34 |