prof. dr. G.J.W. (Gert-Jan) Euverink

- Sugar-derived Polymers Attainable by Cost-Effective Conversion of Renewable feedstock by Anaerobic Fermentation Technologies​ (Spacecraft)
- Control of metabolic active biofilms on activated carbon for efficient in situ regeneration - Olga Bernadet
- Monitoring chemical and microbial water quality by transcriptome analysis of single-cells - Alicia Borneman
- Machine learning approach for meta-genomic data interpretation in water process control - Asala Mahajna
- Fermentative production of organic acids by mixed culture Lactic acid bacteria - Spiros Achinas
- Mild heat treatment of aerobic sludge to enhance biogas production - Sergio Rossano Becerril
- PHA production in mixed culture fermentation - Wen Zhou
- Making City
- Valorization of wheat bran - Varshini Munjurpet Krishnamoorthy
- Why care more - Gert Hofstede
Karakterisering van biotechnologische processen met behulp van low-cost MinION sequencing technologie en ontwikkeling van aanvullende bioinformatica pipe-lines. - Martijn Herber
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 17:05 |