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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons G. (Giuseppe) Fidotta, PhD


The Empire Symphony Film: Fascist Documentary, Infrastructure, and the Avant-Garde

Gangster films reloaded: European values and the criminal spectre of late modernity

The Imaginary Mafia. Seventy years of Cosa Nostra in the cinema (1949-2019)

The labour of authenticity: Mafia television, regionalism and production cultures

From Populist Media to Media Populism

Neorealist film culture, 1945-1954: Rome, open cinema

The World Essay Film and the Politics of Traceability

Fascist imperial cinema: An account of imaginary places

The Exact Shape of the World: Media and Mapping

Ruling the colonies with sound: Documentary, technology and noise in Cronache dell’Impero