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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons G. (Gorazd) Andrejc, PhD


Pantheism from the Perspective of Wittgensteinian Nonoverlapping Magisteria (WNOMA)

The Idea of Human Distinctiveness: Unavoidable or Untenable?

The problem of the self-ascription of sainthood

Philosophy of education in a new key: On radicalization and violent extremism

Spiritual Hierarchy of Being: The Embodied-Cognitive Perspective

ویتگنشتاین و اختلاف نظر میان دینی

Locke, Wittgenstein, and Religious (anti-)Evidentialism: The Relationship with Freedom of Religion and Belief

Nekateri pankomputacionalistični pogledi izračunljivega vesolja

Pomirenje − sredstvo za borbu protiv nesigurnosti ili način otpora politikama podjele: građani/-ke u 13 lokalnih zajednica Bosne i Hercegovine o procesima pomirenja i izgradnje povjerenja

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