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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons F. (Frank) Westerhuis, PhD


Do electric bicycles cause an increased injury risk compared to conventional bicycles? The potential impact of data visualisations and corresponding conclusions

Driving performance of long-term users of sedating antidepressants and benzodiazepines

Inventarisatie van enkelvoudige en meervoudige fietsongevallen situaties

Kritische Fietsongevallen

Veiligheid E-fiets in interactie met andere weggebruikers

Advancing the Age of Cycling

Enlightening cyclists: an evaluation study of a bicycle light communication system aimed to support older cyclists in traffic interactions

Framework for Testing Human Factors and Type Approval

Human Factors Guidelines Report 1: Literature Review


Fietsen toejuichen, terwijl de ongevallen toenemen

Shedding light on cyclist safety

Radio Interview BNR Nieuwsradio - CRUISer

Smart Bicycle Light System

Do we ‘know’ what other cyclists are about to do?