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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. F. (Frits) Steenhuisen


The Multi-Compartment Hg Modeling and Analysis Project (MCHgMAP): Mercury modeling to support international environmental policy

Global mercury emissions and distribution - an Arctic perspective

Arctic atmospheric mercury: Sources and changes

Exposure radius of a local coal mine in an Arctic coastal system; correlation between PAHs and mercury as a marker for a local mercury source

Linking heterogeneous distribution of radiocaesium in soils and pond sediments in the Fukushima Daiichi exclusion zone to mobility and potential bioavailability

Animals and people in the Netherlands’ past: >50 years of archaeozoology in the Netherlands

Development and application of an updated geospatial distribution model for gridding 2015 global mercury emissions

Veranderingen in een 17de eeuws grafveld op Spitsbergen door dooiende permafrost

The shore is the limit: marine spatial protection in Antarctica under Annex V of the Environmental Protocol to the Antarctic Treaty

Toward an assessment of the global inventory of present-day mercury releases to freshwater environments


Environmental researchers are watching the world end: 'It got so dark, so empty and quiet'

Van nucleair afval tot onbekende virussen: wat er bovenkomt nu de ijskappen smelten

Kwik in poolgebied komt uit Ghana en Suriname

De noordpool is eerder een afvoerputje dan een maagdelijk landschap

SEES.NL Expedition to Spitsbergen