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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons F.D. (Femke) Cnossen, PhD


Robots, Meaning, and Self-Determination

Tasks, wages and new technologies

The Geography of New Technology: Exposure to AI, Software and Robots in European Regional Labour Markets

Work meaningfulness and effort

Just Another Cog in the Machine? A Worker-Level View of Robotization and Tasks

Learning the Right Skill: Vocational Curricula and Returns to Skills

Waardevol werk in de regio

Robots, meaning, and self-determination

Thriving in Times of Technological Change: how tasks, skills and meaning shape careers in the 21st century labour market

Learning the Right Skill: The Returns to Social, Technical and Basic Skills for Middle-Educated Graduates


Europe’s Labor Markets Face Growing Divide Amid Rapid AI Adoption

Machines might not take your job. But they could make it worse

Juliette de Wit, Femke Cnossen and Maite Laméris receive YAG grant

Az ipari robotok mellett dolgozó emberek haszontalannak érzik magukat

Industrial robots make people feel worse about their jobs and themselves. • The Register

Industrial robots make people feel worse about jobs and themselves
