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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons F.A. (Farhad) Merchant, Dr

Research interests

  • Hardware Security
  • Neuromorphic Computing
  • Algorithm-Architecture Co-design
  • Reconfigurable Computing
  • Computer Arithmetic


A flexible and fast digital twin for RRAM systems applied for training resilient neural networks

Error Detection and Correction Codes for Safe In-Memory Computations

Experimental Validation of Memristor-Aided Logic Using 1T1R TaOx RRAM Crossbar Array

Harnessing Entropy: RRAM Crossbar-based Unified PUF and RNG

In-Memory Mirroring: Cloning Without Reading

MemSPICE: Automated Simulation and Energy Estimation Framework for MAGIC-Based Logic-in-Memory

PROMISE: A Programmable Hardware Monitor for Secure Execution in Zero Trust Networks

QTFlow: Quantitative Timing-Sensitive Information Flow for Security-Aware Hardware Design on RTL

Resistive Memory for Computing and Security: Algorithms, Architectures, and Platforms

veriSIMPLER: An Automated Formal Verification Methodology for SIMPLER MAGIC Design Style Based In-Memory Computing