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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons E. (Elisabetta) Pallante, Prof

Research interests

My research in the context of theoretical physics spans from perturbative and nonperturbative aspects of strong interactions, to predictions of the Standard Model of particle physics, physics beyond the Standard Model, lattice field theory and, more recently, formal aspects of non-Abelian conformal gauge theories and black holes. I employ analytical as well as lattice field theory numerical methods, bridging traditionally separate communities within the hep-th area.


Low-energy theorem revisited and OPE in massless QCD

Low-energy theorem and OPE in the conformal window of massless QCD

Quasinormal modes of scalar fields on small Reissner-Nordström- AdS5 black holes

Remarks on holographic models of the Kerr-AdS5 geometry

Conserved vector current in QCD-like theories and the gradient flow

Vector perturbations of Kerr-AdS5 and the Painlevé VI transcendent

Scalar quasinormal modes of Kerr-AdS(5)

The scalar glueball operator, the a-theorem, and the onset of conformality

On the Kerr-AdS/CFTcorrespondence

Topology, the meson spectrum and the scalar glueball: Three probes of conformality and the way it is lost


Teletijdmachine blijft nog science fiction

De snelheid van het licht

Contribution to the University of Groningen Jaarbeeld/Annual Review 2011

The phases of gauge theories with many flavours