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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. E.H. (Ernestine) Gordijn


'To serve and protect' when expecting to be seen negatively: The relation between police officers' contact with citizens, meta-stereotyping, and work-related well-being

Disentangling Societal Discontent and Intergroup Threat: Explaining Actions Towards Refugees and Towards the State

The Rocky Road from Experience to Expression of Emotions - Women’s Anger about Sexism

Biased hate crime perceptions can reveal supremacist sympathies

Beyond Content of Conversation: The Role of Conversational Form in the Emergence and Regulation of Social Structure

Attitude Moralization in the Context of Collective Action: How Participation in Collective Action May Foster Moralization Over Time

Unraveling image and justice concerns: A social identity account on appraisals and emotional drivers of high-status transgressor group members’ solidarity with low-status groups


How participation in collective action drives moralization

Ongenoegen, migratie, gastvrijheid en maatschappelijke onrust


Cuarentena. Día 53. "Otro holandés repugnante"

Performing art and performing politics

Ongemerkt racistisch, Waarom je altijd stereotype vooroordelen over anderen zult hebben

Human Library gaat vooroordelen te lijf

Awkward Silences: Technical Delays Can Diminish Feelings of Unity and Belonging