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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. E.F. (Eric) Rietzschel


Aleatory creativity: The role of random constraints

A Systematic Review of Creativity Evaluation and Creativity Selection Measurement Tasks

Behavioral Inhibition or Activation: How Power Directs Malevolent Innovation

Navigating The Additive Bias: Normative Influences on Innovation Contexts

Navigating The Additive Bias: Normative Influences on Innovation Contexts

Idea Evaluation: Combining Openness and Expertise

Malevolent Innovation: A Synthesized Theoretical Model and a Measurement Tool

Sustainable Innovation

The future is subtractive

Electronic health record implementation and healthcare workers’ work characteristics and autonomous motivation: a before-and-after study


Writing sucks – except when you do it (Mindwise blog)

The weather is nice! (But is this an idea?) – Mindwise blog

It’s not just the squirrels: In defense of camping (Mindwise blog)

Inspiration is not a Luxury (Mindwise blog)

Powering the Future? Mindwise blog

Moet je slim zijn voor een briljant idee?

Research mention: "Why Brainstorming Groups Kill Breakthrough Ideas (and What to Do Instead)"

Klopt dit wel? Je wordt creatiever door één glas alcohol.

The Creativity of Covfefe (blog)

Complex Conversations on a Train [blog]