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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. D.J. (Dirk) Slotboom


AI is a viable alternative to high throughput screening: a 318-target study

Author Correction: Identification of inhibitors targeting the energy-coupling factor (ECF) transporters

Bidirectional ATP-driven transport of cobalamin by the mycobacterial ABC transporter BacA

Chemiosmotic nutrient transport in synthetic cells powered by electrogenic antiport coupled to decarboxylation

Cobalamin decyanation by the membrane transporter BtuM

Expression and characterization of pantothenate energy-coupling factor transporters as an anti-infective drug target

Fitness landscape of substrate-adaptive mutations in evolved amino acid-polyamine-organocation transporters

Hit optimization by dynamic combinatorial chemistry on Streptococcus pneumoniae energy-coupling factor transporter ECF-PanT.

Structural basis of the obligatory exchange mode of human neutral amino acid transporter ASCT2

The S-component fold: a link between bacterial transporters and receptors


Zes MSCA Postdoctorale Fellowships aan de FSE

Six MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships at FSE

Twaalf onderzoekers ontvangen MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship subsidies

Twelve researchers receive MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships

NWO Summit subsidie voor onderzoek naar moleculaire basis van leven

NWO Summit grant for research into the molecular basis of life

Three New EU Projects with Universität Hamburg Researchers

Moleculair succes bij ERC Synergy Grants

Drie ERC Synergy grants voor Groningse onderzoekers

Three ERC Synergy grants for Groningen researchers