D.E. (Desiree) Krikken, MA

"My plot, your plat, our inhabited landscape: early modern land surveyors and the record of European physical and social space"
The PhD-project “My plot, your plat, our inhabited landscape”, investigates the relationship between early modern people and the European physical landscape. It is concerned with the expression of an innovative and increasingly economic representation of the landscape as expressed in printed surveyor´s manuals published between 1500 and 1700.
Focusing on the rapid and substantial agrarian changes taking hold of the Low Countries and the German States, I argue an early modern landscape that is inhabited by people who actively engaged with their world by recording it, redefining it and eventually reconfiguring it as a socially mediated environment.
Graduate School of Humanities/The Groningen Research Centre for the Study of Culture funded PhD-project (University of Groningen/Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)
Prof. dr. R. M. Esser (RUG)
Dr. M. L. Thompson (RUG)
Research Interests:
Laatst gewijzigd: | 20 juni 2023 07:43 |