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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. ir. D. (Deniz) Baskent


Age dependent deficits in speech recognition in quiet and noise are reflected in MGB activity and cochlear onset coding

Assessment of Speech Processing and Listening Effort Associated With Speech-on-Speech Masking Using the Visual World Paradigm and Pupillometry

Express: Vocal and musical emotion perception, voice cue discrimination, and quality of life in cochlear implant users with and without acoustic hearing

Spectral vs Temporal pitch in CI users listening to real-life stimuli

The Auditory Environment at Early Intervention Groups for Young Children With Hearing Loss: Signal to Noise Ratio, Background Noise, and Reverberation

An experimental setup to measure cochlear implant output of ecological stimuli

Are All Conversational Turns Equal? Parental Language Input and Child Language in Children with Hearing Loss during Daily Interactions

Automated Speech Audiometry: Can It Work Using Open-Source Pre-Trained Kaldi-NL Automatic Speech Recognition?

Evaluating speech-in-speech perception via a humanoid robot

Foreign Language Acquisition in Adolescent Cochlear Implant Users


Genieten van muziek met een cochleair implantaat kan

New insights in voice perception: It growls, it grumbles, it scratches

Waarom je een hekel hebt aan je eigen stem

The keen hearing of young musicians

VICI Grant: Voice perception with a robot

VICI Grant in UMCG KennisInzicht

Muziekles voor doven om beter te kunnen horen/De Kennis van Nu

Scientific American Podcast - Bring a Musician to Untangle Cocktail Party Din