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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons C. (Charlie) Robinson-Jones


Bridging theory and practice: conceptualisations of global citizenship education in Dutch secondary education

Can Frisian Cure? The Role of Frisian Language Policy and Education in Migrant Healthcare Professionals’ Integration in Fryslân

Students’ attitudes towards accents in English-medium instruction: The role of cosmopolitan and motivation orientations

Tension in the linguistic landscape: the implications of language choices for diversity and inclusion in multilingual museums representing minorities

Teachers’ Views and Practices on the Role of Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Assessment

"Accept All Pupils as they are. Diversity!"-Pre-Service Primary Teachers' Views, Experiences, Knowledge, and Skills of Multilingualism in Education

Report on the West Frisian Language (Language Technology Support of Europe’s Languages in 2020/2021 - European Language Equality project)

De essentiële rol van talen in tweetalige regio's

Gelijke kansen met meertalige Pabo's - de pabo in en voor een meertalige en multiculturele maatschappij

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