C.L. (Christina) Prell

Christina Prell is an Associate Professor in Human Geography. Her research focuses on the intersection of social networks and the environment: how networks, at different scales, can operate either as drivers of climate change leading to various environmental inequalities, or alternatively, support/enable local climate action processes. She has published 40+ articles in peer-reviewed journals, across a range of disciplines (e.g. Nature Sustainability, Social networks, Social Forces, Global Environmental Change, and Mathematical Sociology) and she has published two books on the topic of social networks, one being a sole-authored book entitled, Social Network Analysis: History, theory, and methodology (Sage). She has received funding for her research from a variety of international funding bodies, including the HORIZON Europe, EUHorizon 2020 Programme, the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) in the UK, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), in the USA. Currently, she is a Co-investigator and work package leader for a HORIZON Europe EU-China award, focused on decarbonization, and she is the main beneficiary for the University of Groningen and Co-investigator of the Marie-Curie ITN entitled i-CONN (http://iconn.network), a Horizon 2020 award focused on Connectivity Science and Transdisciplinarity. She is also a contributing faculty member for the Sustainable Islands ERASMUS MUNDUS programme (https://www.rug.nl/masters/islands-and-sustainability-em/?lang=en).
In addition to her position at the University of Groningen, Christina is an Associate Editor of the journal Social Networks (https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/social-networks/about/editorial-board). She is also co-founder of the research group Networks & Sustainability (https://www.rug.nl/rudolf-agricola-school/research/sustainable-landscapes-and-regions/networks-sustainability).
Prior to UG: In the Spring/summer semester of 2019, Christina was a Fulbright-Austrian scholar at the University of Klagenfurt, where she taught courses on Coupled Systems and Network Analysis. Prior to that, she was an Associate Professor in Geographical Sciences at the University of Maryland (altogether she worked at UMD from 2011-2019), where she taught social network analysis at the post-graduate (PhD student) level. She was also a Lecturer in Sociological Studies at the University of Sheffield, UK (2003-2010).
Laatst gewijzigd: | 18 oktober 2023 07:30 |