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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. C.J. (Casper) Albers

prof. dr. C.J. (Casper) Albers

Hoogleraar Toegepaste Statistiek & Datavisualisatie / Onderzoeksdirecteur Heymans Instituut
Profielfoto van prof. dr. C.J. (Casper) Albers
050 36 36366 (secretariaat - leerstoel)
050 36 36307 (secretariaat - directeur onderzoek)


Effects of (de)motivating supervision styles on junior doctors’ intrinsic motivation through basic psychological need frustration and satisfaction: an experimental vignette study

Gender differences in Dutch research funding over time: A statistical investigation of the innovation scheme 2012–2021

Item Response Theory Based Continuous Test Norming

Mixture multilevel vector-autoregressive modeling

A comprehensive model framework for between-individual differences in longitudinal data

A network approach to trauma, dissociative symptoms, and psychosis symptoms in schizophrenia spectrum disorders

An experience sampling study on the links between daily teacher self-efficacy, need-supportive teaching and student intrinsic motivation

Congruency of multimodal data-driven personalization with shared decision-making for StayFine: individualized app-based relapse prevention for anxiety and depression in young people

Developing an empirically based agent-based model to support local transitions

General Mental Health, Loneliness, and Life Satisfaction in the Context of COVID-19 Policies: A 2-Year Cohort Study in the Netherlands, April 2020–January 2022

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