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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons C. (Christos) Emmanouilidis, Dr

Research interests

Christos Emmanouilidis (PhD) carries over 20 years of experience from positions in Industry, Academia, Research, and Innovation supporting organisations. He has had multiple PI and Co-I roles for projects related to Industrial Informatics, Context-Aware Computing, AI & Cognitive Systems, Robotics & Automation, Data Analytics, Human in the Loop with Linked Data and Knowledge, as well as Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things Technologies to serve industrial applications needs, resulting in over 100 publications in refereed journals and proceedings. His teaching portfolio includes Internet of Things, Data Analytics and AI, Information Systems/Management, and Asset Management. After serving as Senior Lecturer on Internet of Things and Data Analytics at Cranfield University in the UK, he has joined the University of Groningen as Associate Professor. He is a Senior IEEE Member, a Founding Fellow of the International Society of Engineering Asset Management (ISEAM), a member of IFIP WG5.7 ‘Advances in Production Management Systems’, and a member of the CEN TC319 and ISO 251 standardisation committees on Maintenance and Asset Management. He is the Chair of the IFAC TC5.1 WG A-MEST on Advanced Maintenance Engineering Services and Technologies and scientific Vice Chair of IFAC TC5.1 on Manufacturing Plant Control. He has had past appointments in Industry (Zenon SA Robotics & Automation Technologies), and Public Research Organisations (ATHENA Research & Innovation Centre). He has acted as Research & Innovation expert (FP5-FP6-FP7-H2020-Horizon Europe) and has served as Innovation expert for Regional Government and the EC/JRC regarding the introduction of innovative ICT solutions in support of Smart Specialisation Strategies (RIS3) and Industrial Transition.


An Ontology Framework for Human-Robot Interoperability in Dynamic Construction Environments

Integrating Knowledge and Data-Driven Artificial Intelligence for Decisional Enterprise Interoperability

An Examination of the Limited Adoption of Personalized Work Instructions in Assembly to Accommodate Individual Worker’s Needs

Asset criticality and risk prediction via machine learning in wind farms: problem-based educational activities in a smart industry operations course

Detecting wheel slip from railway operational data through a combined wavelet, long short-term memory and neural network classification method

Graph network-based human movement prediction for socially-aware robot navigation in shared workspaces

Manufacturing workers fatigue: an exploratory study on predictive machine learning and cross-subject generalization with implications for work design

Predicting Defect Rates of Printed Circuit Board Assemblies: Towards Zero Defect Manufacturing and Zero-Maintenance Strategies

Special issue on: “Emerging industrial Digitalisation and machine learning applications in maintenance engineering, asset, and operations management”

Systems and Control for Societal Impact: IFAC TC 9.2 Visions and UN SDGs