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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. B. (Bahar) Haghighat

Research interests

My research work investigates building novel miniaturized robotic swarms and algorithmic frameworks that enable sensing, surveying, and inspection applications. My research is applied and interdisciplinary, spanning the fields of mechatronics, electronics, embedded systems, embedded artificial intelligence and machine learning, and distributed systems. I envision my research to produce novel surface, aquatic, and aerial miniaturized robot swarms and small-scale intelligent devices that can both serve as tools for basic research and also benefit several commercially promising applications in domains such as inspection of complex structures, environmental monitoring, space exploration, and search-and-rescue robot swarms.


Collective Bayesian Decision-Making in a Swarm of Miniaturized Robots for Surface Inspection

Optimization and Evaluation of a Multi Robot Surface Inspection Task Through Particle Swarm Optimization

A Hybrid PSO Algorithm for Multi-robot Target Search and Decision Awareness

An Approach Based on Particle Swarm Optimization for Inspection of Spacecraft Hulls by a Swarm of Miniaturized Robots

A Swarm Robotic Approach to Inspection of 2.5 D Surfaces in Orbit

Eciton robotica: Design and Algorithms for an Adaptive Self-Assembling Soft Robot Collective

Lightweight physics-based models for the control of fluid-mediated self-assembly of robotic modules

A Rule Synthesis Algorithm for Programmable Stochastic Self-assembly of Robotic Modules

Automatic synthesis of rulesets for programmable stochastic self-assembly of rotationally symmetric robotic modules

Probabilistic modeling of programmable stochastic self-assembly of robotic modules


Studiepunten voor Marsrovers

Credits for Mars rovers | The Engineer

Ontwikkeling zwerm met drones om defecten te detecteren | Engineeringnet

Robot swarms for spaceship inspection